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Digital "Sign"-izenship

Hey, what's up? My business internship is making a slideshow for the TV in the lobby of the high school. The slideshow, a "digital sign," includes things like important dates, jokes and facts of the day, public service announcements, sporting events, and miscellaneous advice. As my time with this project lengthens, I hope to present an enjoyable slideshow for all students and faculty to love and somehow be a part of. There's so much room for growth in an area like digital signage, and I hope that's exactly what happens. I hope you enjoy it!


SEPTEMBER 12th: Over the weekend I updated the format of the slideshow to something more streamline and clean. I think the white wall is a tad more modern. As I spend more and more time with this project, it's extremely fulfilling to be able to grow and change what I'm doing. It's refreshing and a great way to keep things moving.

If any of my fellow Independent Business Intern-shippers want to suggest a new design, I'm all for it! :)

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